Protecting the rights and wellbeing of children and vulnerable people is very important in St John and we are committed to safeguarding children and vulnerable people from harm. We know that parents/guardians naturally have concerns about the care and well being of their child/ren when they attend activities outside of the home. This is why St John has developed strong Standards and Guidelines for adult members who engage with children and vulnerable people in our organisation.
National Child Protection Rules, Standards and Guidelines
All adult Leaders of Youth Divisions in St John will undergo specific training to help prepare them for the role. This includes the Leadership and Management training plus Child and Vulnerable Person's Safety Awareness Training.
This training involves leaders learning about recognising of signs of abuse/neglect in children and vulnerable people, what to do/how to act if a child or vulnerable person discloses abuse/neglect and procedures for reporting abuse/neglect . In addition, all adults working with children and vulnerable are screened in line with State/Territory legislative requirements and the organisation’s Child and Vulnerable Persons' Safety Rules, Standards and Guidelines.
The Child and Vulnerable Persons' Safety Rules, Standards and Guidelines can be viewed by clicking here.